Anyone that does not love does not know God, because God is love.
We have provided children and families with a variety of opportunities to follow the Way of Love in our community. Below are scriptures and suggested activities to love your neighbor, friends, family, seniors, the little children, community helpers, the stranger, and God's creation. Feel free to mix it up! If you would like to share your acts of love with us, please email us at We would love to add you to our gallery.
Click the Way of Love image to download the Way of Love for Families provided by The Episcopal Church. "This is an invitation to all of us, young and old alike, to “grow more deeply with Jesus Christ at the center of our lives, so we can bear witness to his way of love in and for the world.”
We seek love: To know God’s love, to love, and to be loved by others, and yes, to love ourselves.
We seek freedom: From the many forces—sin, fear, oppression, and division—that pull us from living as God created us to be: dignified, whole, and free.
We seek abundant life: A life overflowing with joy, peace, generosity, and delight. A life where there is enough for all because we all share with abandon. A life of meaning, given back to God and lived for others.
We seek Jesus: The way of Jesus is the Way of Love, and that way has the power to change lives and change the world.
The Way of Love
Please check Covid-19 restrictions and guidelines for business and organizations
Pray for your neighbors and community
Chalk your sidewalk with cheerful messages
Leave a kind note for a neighbor
Check on neighbors who are alone to see if they need anything
Hide painted kindness rocks around your neighborhood
Donate to a local food bank- Hill Country Ministries
Donate items to Hill Country Community Ministries Thrift Store
Pray for your family
Make time to play with your family
Start a new family hobby
Help your brother or sister with a chore
Secretly leave kind notes or drawings around the house
Help without being asked
Make a meal together and eat together at the table
Pray together at meals or bedtime
Be patient with one another
Pray for senior citizens, especially those separated from family and friends during this time.
Call and check on grandparents or special seniors in your life.
Run errands or pick up groceries
Virtually play a game, read a book, or even share a meal online.
Mow their lawn- with permission
Donate a fan to the Summer Fan Drive through Family Eldercare
Send cards or drawings to seniors at New Hope or Sagebrook.
Pray for your friends.
Call, email or text a friend you haven't heard from recently.
Become pen pals or drop off kind notes, drawings or surprises on their porch
Forgive a friend that may have hurt your feelings
Have a social distance picnic
Video chat with a group of friends
Reach out to someone that might be lonely or need a friend
Watch Mister Rogers sing about friendship and love.
Pray for God's creation. Creation prayers
Use a recycling system in your home
Conserve water and energy
Learn something new about the environment and conservation. Did you know the Episcopal Church has a Creation Care Ministry. Learn more HERE.
Watch a reading of The Lorax by Dr. Seuss.
Give your pets some extra love and attention- brushing, walking, cuddles!
Make sure pets are not left outside in the summer heat.
Donate to Central Texas SPCA or other local shelter.
Pray for community helpers such as doctors, nurses, teachers, fire department, EMT, police, military, grocery store workers, custodians, volunteers, etc...
Pray that community helpers will do their jobs with love and compassion for all people.
Send thank you notes and drawings to community helpers
Make a video to thank community helpers.
Watch Mister Rogers remind us to Look for the Helpers
Travis County Sheriff's Office uses the CEC building. If you would like to donate homemade cookies, drawings or notes, please contact Deacon Jan.
Pray for all people, from all over the world
Smile or wave to someone you don't know
Learn about new cultures by reading books, making crafts, tasting new foods or listening to music, looking at art or learning a new game.
Talk to your children about how we treat others is how we treat Jesus.
Watch the Good Samaritan story HERE.
Learn more about the Episcopal Church Intercultural Ministries HERE.
Pray for all of God's Children.
Read with your child. Click HERE for some suggested children's books about race and diversity.
Watch a reading of Ms. Brielle's favorite children's book, God's Dream by Archbishop Desmond Tutu.
Donate children's clothes to an area resource center or school district clothes closet.
Start a toy or book swap with other children.
Collect school supplies to donate to local schools